Tailored to you


Know what you want? If you are familiar with the services we offer and want a tailor-made selection, suited to your
specific needs, we can happily accommodate that; and at a good discount!

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Have you got a personal trainer you like and trust? Are you part of a club which provides sports specific coaching to the level you need? But are there gaps in your approach with which you still need help?

Our Tailored to You package may be for you. We understand that you may well be happy with the bulk of your coaching and training arrangements, but may want to get another level of input on particular areas or across the board. We can package these services for you so that you get bespoke assistance at a discount. Come for a free initial consultation or discuss your circumstances over the ‘phone. If you want specific physiological testing, technical analysis and training, to work with those experienced in sports psychology or to balance you and your family’s diet, or simply a tailored combination; we can help.

We will happily meet, discuss your circumstances and tailor your package.

If you book more than 5 services you will get a 20% discount on the total package, and if you book more than 10, 30%. All of our packages above include over 10 services so the benefits are there to be had. Evolve your performance.