Activity-specific Consultation


Our team members will analyse your performance and then meet with you to explore the psychological hurdles to
your performance and practical interventions that help. Your report will guide you in implementing these strategies

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Benefit from our practitioners reviewing your performance and identifying and evaluating any hurdles that you may have. We will then explore what strategies are most likely to help you surmount them.

We view you in a competitive or training environment and then explore with you (or your nominated team leader) any recent performance or training issues and how you consider these arose. We discuss motivations and feelings during competition and training. We may ask for a more detailed insight into group dynamics or the wider situation (which you are perfectly free not to discuss). We explore possible hurdles and suggest strategies to help overcome them.

If you are a group, we ask each member and, if applicable, your coach to complete a questionnaire separately prior to the visit and report back our findings to your nominated team leader. Wider group seminars can be conducted by arrangement.